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Szent Anna Hotel and Health Centre

Szent Anna Hotel and Health Centre

Hotel and Health Centre planned for Szent Anna Street. There is a listed building on site, the so-called ‘Petőfi-ház’ (the building served as the residence for the famous Hungarian poet Petőfi Sándor’s wife and son centuries ago). The developers expectation with the hotel to be designed was to create a modern, sustainable, economically operatable and maintanable building. We wanted the planned health centre to be a cultural extension of the listed building, while preserving its historic character and atmosphere. Creating a Turkish Bath in the basement of this part of the building was also part of the design programme.

  • Location: Debrecen
  • Client: RÁTHONYI Élelmiszeripari és Kereskedelmi Ltd.
  • Design: 2012
  • Type of plan: Permit plans
  • Area: 5 300 m2
  • Lead architects: Szabolcs Kőmíves, Csaba Balázs , Andrea Vecsey-Körmendi
  • The Team: Edit Bodogán, Zsolt Erdőhegyi, Viktor Nagy, János Szén
  • Visualation: Homologue
